The Road Back To The Island

Everyone in the International Association who was watching the broadcast remained stunned in front of the screen.

Some of them typed the word "cool" but didn't post it.

One by one, they felt their heartbeats freeze.

They were all watching her. Not just the ordinary folks but also Song San, Apollo, Dugu Yusheng and countless leaders in the International Association…

That familiar red color.

That familiar silver mask.

That familiar voice.

Apollo finally snapped out of his trance.

He lifted his hand to shield the bloodlust in his eyes. He smirked. "That… that fellow."

He didn't even realize how hoarse his own voice was.

Song San just narrowed his eyes viciously. It truly took him aback.

It was like he just couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that person on the screen.

Those pitch-black eyes stared fixedly upon the screen, unwilling to miss a single second.