The Result

In the main hall, a group of guards was looking straight at one another. The elders exchanged gazes, and the group of young disciples was conversing in low voices.

Occasionally, they would look up at Su Huiqing with a casual smile. Only Dugu Heng looked seriously at Su Huiqing's test results.

Dugu Xing glanced sideways at Dugu Heng with a cold smile.

"Miss Xing, the head of the family is really muddle-headed. To let an ordinary person with a mixed bloodline enter the test hall, she can't even be compared to a normal servant." A young man stood beside Dugu Xing with a look of disdain. "I hate this kind of bullying people the most. Who the hell does she think she is?"

With that, a look of disgust appeared in Dugu Xing's eyes.

This statement made everyone agree.

It would have been fine if it was Dugu Heng, but Su Huiqing was just an ordinary person with no bloodline. Yet, she still dared to claim so many resources so arrogantly.