Who Are You?

Su Huiqing was still standing there, looking at the man and woman slowly walking down the stairs. To be precise, she was looking at the woman in red.

For a moment, even she was in a trance. This face was very similar to her past self.

At the same time, Apollo and the others squeezed in front of Chi Yue's computer.

Chi Yue stared at the face that appeared on the computer screen. His hand that was typing on the keyboard froze.

Apollo was different. He had never seen Su Huiqing in person before. He only placed his hand on the table and raised his eyebrows at Chi Yue. "How is it?"

"Seventy percent." Chi Yue finally snapped out of his trance. He pushed his glasses, and his eyes turned cold. "If it wasn't for confirming the identity of the captain, I would have suspected her."