You Don't Know Missy?

It was a clear voice.

Elder Gu felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He instinctively raised his head and saw Su Huiqing who had one hand in her pocket and was looking at him with raised brows.

It was still a snow-white jacket.

It reflected the sunlight.

Those pitch-black, icy-cold eyes made one not dare to look straight at them.

How could Elder Gu not recognize this figure?

When the news of Su Huiqing and Yu Shijin's deaths spread, countless people overseas had their eyes on them. Their Gu Family was also implicated in Unknown Island. It was Miss Su who appeared and saved the Gu Family of Unknown Island!

The moment he saw Su Huiqing's face, Elder Gu froze on the spot.

He couldn't react in time.