Find Qingqing

District Head Xu had received news from Old Master Chu that the chief detective was in Area One. Commander Tong had also planned to come.

However, they all knew that the people in Area One had always been strange. Without the approval of the chief detective and the rest, Commander Tong didn't dare to come rashly. Thus, he remained in the Chu Family and waited for Commander Xu to meet the chief detective.

Area One was like a god in the hearts of Xu Jia and the rest. There was almost no mission they could not complete.

The chief detective handed the document to Gu Li and came out to meet Xu Jia.

He didn't know Xu Jia, but he recalled that message.

Previously, Su Huiqing had sent him a message through Xu Jia's phone. The chief detective had also checked and realized that Xu Jia had been in Area One before.

She could barely be considered his former subordinate.

However, it was obvious that her performance was not good so she was eliminated.