It's Miss Su!

This was not the first time Xu Jia met the chief detective, but she still felt flustered.

She immediately steadied herself. "Mr. Chief Detective, may I know why you are looking for me?"

She felt strange. Didn't the chief detective and the rest say so themselves?

Why was he asking her this now?

"Missy, right?" This was the first time the chief detective encountered such a situation. Someone actually said she was Missy. Everyone in the International Association knew that this was Su Huiqing's exclusive nickname. He raised his brows. "Do you know why I called you?"

"I will definitely be able to do anything." Xu Jia's confidence swelled. She felt that since she could call people from Area One over with just a message, other information would definitely not be a problem.

"Commander Tong and I are discussing the issue of firearms at the borders of Green City." The chief detective looked at Xu Jia and smiled. "Missy, do you have any solution?"