Who Dares to Provoke You, Demon King?

Shen Yun knocked on the car window and smiled. "This girl is interesting. Investigate what happened. Even Murong Bing stood up for her."

A slow, deep voice came from the car. "Yes."

Naturally, Yu Xiangyang and the rest would not deliberately hide what happened to Long Xue from Mayor Long. Mayor Long rushed over when he heard about it. For some reason, a fighter jet passed by the town of the Long Family and brought Mayor Long to school.

The entire process didn't take much time. Mayor Long felt that his luck was too good.

However, because he was worried about Long Xue, he didn't think too much about it.

"Thank you." After alighting from the fighter jet, Mayor Long bowed respectfully to the owner of the fighter jet. It was already an impressive existence to have a private jet overseas.

The fighter jet owner immediately took a step back and smiled. "Mr. Long, it's nothing."