Let Her Do Her Best

"No." Shen Yun shook his head. "The Liu Family has been overseas for so many years. Although they are not considered a big shot, they have never declined. Don't you think it's ridiculous to say that Liu Yanzhong suddenly lost his mind and stood up for an unrelated person?"

"Huh?" Shen Mu was a little stunned. He had indeed never considered this.

However… the current situation was obviously that the Liu Family was in danger? How could this be explained?

As if knowing what Shen Yun was thinking, Shen Mu put out his cigarette and pointed at a picture on the document. His deep eyes narrowed slightly. "This freshman seems to know quite a number of people. Murong Bing, Su Xiao, Fu Meng… she knows almost all the people in school."

Moreover, when he saw Murong Bing talking to Su Huiqing in the alley that day…

Although Murong Bing left in anger because of Su Huiqing in the end…