It's Really Over!

"Oh, it's Su Huiqing. I like that movie she filmed," Apollo said casually.

Everyone fell silent again.

Apollo sighed again. "You guys don't know how scary our International Association is. Queen Su Huiqing is my idol. I came all the way overseas just for her."

This sentence broke the silence. More and more people started to form a line in their hearts.

Some thoughts started to clear up.

He was still wondering why Apollo would suddenly come here. He even said that he knew Liu Yanzhong and was so warm towards him.

So it was all because of that new student, Su Huiqing!

Pursuing celebrities? Beloved idol? They didn't know much, but they knew that the source of everything was… Su Huiqing!

"I am not familiar with overseas matters either. I will let Uncle Liu handle that batch of weapons. We will sell it to whoever Uncle Liu says to sell it to." Apollo looked at Liu Yanzhong. "I believe Uncle Liu."