It's Fine if You Lost the Game

Especially when Fu Wenbin mentioned Long Xue.

If those people from the International Association knew that someone had offended Su Huiqing's friend—not only did they not hide their mistake, but they even threatened Su Huiqing; they would definitely call that person a fool.

One would rather offend Su Huiqing than her friends.

Everyone knew this.

There were some things that Su Huiqing had said once or twice. If someone offended her, there was still a chance that she would forgive them. However, if they offended her friend, sorry, there would be no forgiveness! She would return it twice in kind!

"Listen to me. Go back now and enjoy the last few days of your life." Su Huiqing glanced at Fu Wenbin mildly before leaving with Long Xue.

Upon hearing this, Fu Wenbin's face turned ferocious. "Su Huiqing, don't go overboard!"