Are You Regretting It Now?

He could not help but recall the first time he brought her to the Su Family. That glow in her eyes made him think that she was greedy for the Su Family's business. Later on, they met at the stone gambling den. He also felt that Su Huiqing was jealous when she saw that Su Xiao was a stone gambling master. Later on, when something happened to her, she said that she wanted to look for Murong Bai…

Murong Bing had always felt that he had already tolerated Su Huiqing enough. However, when some facts were slowly revealed in front of him, he suddenly realized that there were already traces of some things.

"Lie to you? That's not necessary. Isn't that how you see me?" Su Huiqing glanced sideways and took out her phone to read a message. Her tone was mild. "You should have seen the night Brother Murong sent me back to school, right? You already feel that I am that kind of person in your heart. Is there a need for me to lie?"