I Know Where She Is

"Teacher Fu, take a look first. I have met this Su Huiqing before in the International Association." Fu Meng walked in slowly. "I think you still need to investigate this matter."

The potion that Su Huiqing had just concocted was in Luo Si's hands. Teacher Fu could not show it to them.

However, what the potion teacher showed him that day was true. Moreover, from the potion teacher's injuries, he knew that Su Huiqing was really skilled. He didn't want such a genius to be wasted just like this.

"I understand." Teacher Fu glanced at Fu Meng…

…and left.

Fu Meng and the King of Medicine were still talking. "Meng'er, Teacher Fu probably won't say anything without evidence. I will get someone to investigate."

"Perhaps my judgment was wrong. If that Su Huiqing really only wants a chunk of face…" Fu Meng's voice was somewhat hesitant.