If I Tell You We have been Beaten, would You Believe Me?

"Teacher, do you know those people?" Dugu Shuang took a deep breath and looked at Potion Maker Yun beside her.

With her question, the first and seventh elders beside her couldn't help but pay attention to this side.

Potion Maker Yun didn't hide anything and nodded. However, he didn't look away from the two rooms. "Those people just now are Principal Dien's people. They are all middle-level figures in the potion world. I know Gideon. I was lucky enough to go to their island once."

These people from the Dien Family obviously knew Potion Maker Yun and Teacher Ming, but they were neither servile nor overbearing in front of the two masters. However, they were respectful in front of Su Huiqing just now. What was going on?

The seventh elder, the first elder, and the rest looked at each other before staring at the potion room. No one knew what they were thinking.