Do You Understand?

Su Huiqing had never heard of this before.

She couldn't help but frown and look at Qing Zi. "What about your uncle?"

"It's because of Uncle that I can stay here." Qing Zi sighed. "I didn't know that Qing Yuanguang was the successor of the family. If I had known, I wouldn't have…"

She didn't finish her sentence.

"I'm not afraid of anything else. If I can't stay overseas, I can't stay overseas. It's just that I harmed my uncle. Because of me, he offended the big shots in the family." Qing Zi massaged her temples. "Now, I'm in a dilemma. If not for Uncle, how could I have lived until now? When the Shentian Family first knew about me, I lost my life."

Upon hearing this, Qu Yan's and Su Huiqing's faces turned grim.

Especially Su Huiqing. She understood this feeling very well. Just like how she was overseas, she was schemed against by Su Xiao and Fu Meng in the First School. Although it was all within her expectations, she didn't have so many means.