A Bottle Inside

With that, he put down his chopsticks and left.

"Competition? Potion?" Yu Xiangyang narrowed his eyes. "Qingqing, what competition?"

Su Huiqing put down her chopsticks and took out a piece of paper to wipe her hands. Upon hearing this, she chuckled. "That… the potion competition, the first potion list."

"So Fu Meng is also there. She wrote six types." Qu Yan reacted. "Qingqing, how many types did you write?"

"Me?" Su Huiqing narrowed her eyes and casually replied, "Nine."

"Nine, three more than Fu Meng." Qu Yan was very satisfied. "The first place will definitely be yours."

Long Xue also nodded. The few of them never doubted Su Huiqing's ability.

Yu Xiangyang also snapped out of his trance. "Recently, I heard from the senior in the potion class that Old Master Zhuge is taking in disciples. Are you going to participate in that?"