
Jun Ke wanted to find out who this woman was. She had never seen her before.

However, at this moment, she looked at the man standing in front of Su Huiqing. That man had his back facing her, and she couldn't see his face clearly. However, Jun Ke could see his wrinkled clothes and messy hair.

He didn't look like someone important. Even a guard was dressed in an imposing manner. How did this person get in?

Jun Ke thought mildly and turned to leave the balcony, not paying any more attention to Su Huiqing.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Su Huiqing look behind him, Gideon couldn't help but do the same. However, he didn't see anything. He turned slightly and leaned against the balcony. "King, you have disappeared for a year. There are still legends about you in the pugilistic world. Speaking of which, where did you go this year? I didn't believe it when the elders told me that you returned."