Leave It to Me

At the same time, at the residence of the second hall master of the miracle doctor's sect…

The guard beside him looked at Su Lun, who was still kneeling outside the surveillance camera. For some reason, he felt a little uneasy. "Hall Master, my sister is studying in the First School. I heard from her that Miss Su is very protective of her people. You can touch her, but don't touch the person beside her. This person's surname is also Su. I'm afraid…"

"What are you afraid of?" The second hall master glanced at Su Ruohua's room, and his eyes darkened. "Hand this woman over to Young Master Gong later. She has a level eight weapon."

"A level eight weapon?" This sentence stunned the guard who spoke. "How is that possible?"

Everyone knew that most people working with Apollo only had level six weapons. Only a few families had level seven weapons.