We will Wait for You Here

"It's you?" When they boarded the plane, the group of youths beside them suddenly pointed at Su Huiqing in surprise. "Queen Su, it's really you!"

She had not heard this name for a long time. Su Huiqing stopped in her tracks and looked in the direction of the voice. It was a group of young men and women. The person who spoke was a girl with a round face. "Can you give me an autograph?"

Seeing Su Huiqing raise her brows, the round-faced girl said with a red face, "I am a die-hard fan of 'The King'! I am also a member of your death squad. You… can you give me an autograph?"

Signature? Death squad? Su Huiqing was a little dazed.

However, she remembered 'The King'.

She took the notebook from the girl and thought for a long time before finally writing two words on the first page.