Hidden Pain

Yao Guizhen was so angry that she pointed her trembling finger at Su Bei. "Beibei, so this is your explanation? Get him out right now. Otherwise, you might as well get out of this house, and we'll sever ties from now on."

Su Yu hugged his mother, who was wrestling with her wrath. "Mom, why do you say such things to Beibei? Can't you tell that it was all his wishful thinking? She doesn't want to marry him."

"Really? Then why did he come to our house? If she didn't mess around with him outside, why else would this guy come over to our house?" Yao Guizhen was adamant.

Su Yu flared up. He charged at Qin Mosheng and punched him in the face. "Get out. Now!"

Qin Mosheng did not expect this reaction from Su Bei's family members.

He did not understand the situation at all!

All he wanted was to marry Su Bei. Given his look and wealthy family background, why would they regard him as some kind of poisonous beast?

Su Bei went to stop Su Yu. "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Beibei, ask him to leave now. Do you want to be kicked out of the house?" Su Yu shouted with a pair of bloodshot eyes. He had never spoken to Su Bei in such a tone.

Qin Mosheng slowly got up. His eyes could no longer stay unwavering.

Su Bei turned around to look at him with tears rolling down from her cheeks.

"Mosheng, I beg you, please."

Qin Mosheng nodded. "Fine, I'll go. But I want to know what this is all about."

"Fine, I'll tell you." Su Bei pulled him out of the house.

Su Bei and Qin Mosheng were standing opposite of each other in a small and quiet park. 

He grasped the ring in his hand, feeling the stab from the edge of the ring.

There was more agony apparent in his eyes as he fixed his gaze onto Su Bei.

"Su Bei, I really love you, and I want to make you happy. But little did I expect..."

"Don't you want to know why?" Su Bei looked at him with her swollen eyes.

Qin Mosheng nodded. "If only you're willing to tell me."

Su Bei sighed softly. "Do you know Liang Xinchen?"

"The new governor?" asked Qin Mosheng, looking at Su Bei with confusion.

Su Bei smiled. "His elder brother was my brother-in-law. Do you finally know the reason now?"

Qin Mosheng froze and was unable to react for quite some time.

Liang Xinbin was the eldest son of a military family. He was an eccentric person, and his marriage with a poor Cinderella shocked the entire city for many years.

After their marriage for three years, she died, and nobody knew the cause of death.

The fairytale was widely known back then. Yet, that Cinderella, who was envied by most women, was actually... Su Bei's elder sister!

"I guess many people envied my elder sister! But no one knew her sorrow!" There was heartbreaking sadness in Su Bei's voice.

When she mentioned her sister, the tears welling in her eyes finally rolled down her cheeks.

"What does this have to do with us?" Qin Mosheng still did not understand.

Su Bei smiled wryly, and the tears wet her lips. "My sister died miserably. She suffered from a vast grievance, but she chose to end her life and even forbid us from seeking justice."

The woman looked up at Qin Mosheng. "My sister died because of the worldly distinctions between the rich and the poor. She died in an affluent family where they chewed and tore a person apart. From then onwards, my mom, no, my whole family hated wealthy families to the core."

Qin Mosheng's eyes were full of doubt. "Su Bei, if your elder sister was the daughter-in-law of Liang's, what about you?"

"Yes, it was I, Su Jin, who was engaged to Zuo Xiao! The bride who was arrested and thrown into jail on the day of her wedding was me!"

Su Bei looked straight into Qin Mosheng's eyes with her crystal-clear ones.

There was determination in them, and she did not try to escape this time.

She was Su Jin, the biggest joke of that year in Liang City!