12: It's been a month

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! IT'S BEEN A MONTH." Ladybug stomped around at their usual spot at the Eiffel tower. She lost it. She terribly lost her patience. "We've been up all night for weeks and no signs of an akuma."

The moon is up and so are Paris' two brave superheroes. Patrol has been going smoothly for the past few weeks. Cold nights but was worth it. What bugs her the most is how it's been a month since the last incident.

Chat watched Ladybug complain and walk around thinking about what she just said.

"Why does it seem like you want people to get akumatized?"

"Chat, that's not the point. How could you even explain his recent inactivity?"

"Maybe people these days don't seem too down or angry or have negative feelings that Hawkmoth could use to akumatize." he shrugged.

Ladybug stopped and raised an eyebrow, "That's stupid! People have negative feelings everyday. They could get angry!"

"Like you right now?" he added noticing her current aggressiveness.

Ladybug sighs, "Hawkmoth is smart. He knows how to play with things. We just have to be ahead of him so we'd know what to expect."

"Well do you have any idea what could possibly be keeping Hawkmoth busy?" Chat crossed his arms.

Ladybug walks around the platform thinking for clues. She tries to remember what happened that day when Master Fu was captured. Nothing. She tries to remember more past memories that could give her a shot at figuring things out. Chat stared blankly at the lady prancing around. He tries to do what she's doing then realized it doesn't suit him so he stopped.

"I think," Chat Noir broke the silence, "We should recuperate for now."

"Recuperate?" Ladybug stops her prancing.

"Absolutely. We've proved that no matter how much time we spend on patrolling every night, Hawkmoth won't show up. Maybe we should do some research first then we meet up when either of us finds a clue."

Ladybug is impressed. She never expected this from Chat Noir. He's right, unless there's a clue to Hawkmoth's inactivity, they won't be able to make the next step. Especially now that Master Fu wouldn't be around anymore to give them advices

"Agreed," she nodded, "If we find any clues, we'll send our kwamis to each other to give a signal for a meet up."

Ladybug pulls out her yoyo ready to fly off when Chat walks up to her and asks, "Does Tikki know where I live?" he stares intently at her. He looked awfully worried that the little lady would get lost. "I mean knowing how Plagg won't ever get lost getting to your place since he's always at yours." he shrugged.

Ladybug smiled.

"Okay, why do you suddenly look so smug?" Chat backs off a bit.

"Is Chat Noir jealous that his kwami has been going to my place?"

Chat scoffs, "I am offended."

Ladybug giggles, "Oh come on kitty," she pets his chin like of a cat but then pulls back midway realizing he has a girl friend, "Sorry, I should be keeping my distance."

Chat's eyes froze at Ladybug's statement. A familiar scene flashbacks in his mind. He felt a tight sensation in his stomach wanting to get the words out that he couldn't say before.

"No," he promptly said.


"It doesn't bother me."

"Chat, you have a girlfriend. I can't just touch you whenever I want to."

She is right. She doesn't wanna come off as someone who now wants him just because she realized how much she wants to monopolize him now that he can't be hers. And yet Chat wants otherwise.

"I don't want you to keep your distance just because I have a girlfriend."


"I don't want you to think I'm someone else now that I have a girl. I'm still me."

Chat knew this wasn't Chat Noir talking, this was Adrien. The things he wanted to tell Marinette now comes out but directed to Ladybug. He knew losing Marinette wasn't even an option he could freely change. But with Ladybug, he knew he had a chance to keep a double life.

"All I'm saying is, you don't have to treat me differently. I'm still Chat Noir. And whenever I am with you, I'm your crime fighting kitty companion. Your best friend."

She smiled, "Alright then."

Seeing her sweet smile felt like a heavy weight have been lifted from Chat's chest. He was able to express himself finally. He thought that maybe he could've done the same to his good friend, Marinette.

"Well, I should really go.."

"Wait!" Chat stops her.

Ladybug was petrified, "Woah there, you gave me a mini heart attack. What is it?" she tilts her head.

"It's just.." he scratches his head, "we won't be seeing each other for a week or so and the sun's almost up..."

Ladybug raised a brow, "Are you suggesting we watch the sunrise together?"

Chat chuckles cutely, "Well if you don't mind being drowsy in your class later."

She laughs, "Oh please, I have mastered the art of sleeping while eyes open."

They both crack up laughing.

"Shall we?" he offers her his hand.

"Wait, we're not watching it from here?"

He shrugged, "I was thinking we be dare devils and watch it while suspended on air."


Before she could even finish her sentence, he pulls her close sticking their bodies together grabbing her by the waist. The next thing Ladybug knew was she was sitting on his lap while he was standing with his extended cat pole up in the air in the middle of the city.

"So this was what you meant by ❛suspended❜ on air." she mumbles looking starstruck with the view.

Light started growing out from the horizon with leaping colors of indigo then purple then a blazing orange. It was beautiful. Heartwarming to be exact. She never expected she'd be able to see such a beautiful sunrise even when her life has been a storm.

The sun slowly peaked illuminating Paris. Ladybug loved the misty nights of Paris with all the street lights watching every house light die down as the night grew deeper. But this, this might just be on par to her night escapades.

"This reminds me of our first few encounters together being Ladybug and Chat Noir." Chat said softly as he continues to gaze upon the sunrise.

Ladybug laughs. She was ready to reminisce with Chat so she looks at him ready to tease her best friend of how he turned into a banana before. She did thought of a response to that but got distracted by how....how....

Chat looks so handsome being illuminated by the morning sun.

The warmth of the light truly complimented the cold morning breeze. But right now, she's not thinking whether her cheeks are freezing or warmed up. All she could think of is how....how...green could his eyes be are under that mask or how beautiful his smile is enhanced by the morning glow. She couldn't understand how her head just equated the sunrise to Chat Noir when he's all black. She's having mixed thoughts and feelings.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." was the only thing that came out gazing at him.

Chat caught her staring at him. Their eyes definitely met. Ladybug immediately looked away and quickly thought of a defense, "..the sunrise I mean.." she clears her throat nervously, looking intently at the view as she avoided eye contact.

"You weren't even looking at the sunrise, m'lady." he whispered softly staring at the morning horizon. Marinette blushes furiously, "Shut up.."