I Don't Like Anyone Other Than You

Qiao Mu did not dare to provoke him, so her tone softened instantly. She chuckled and said gently, ""Uncle, don't worry. I'll be good in school and study hard. I won't cause trouble!"

"It's said that my niece has a lot of suitors. Her rumored boyfriend has even made it to the school forum. Let me think about who it is…Oh, right, it's a kid with the surname Han." These words sounded lazy, but the coldness in them was not concealed at all.

Qiao Mu quivered. This man's neck was really long. It even reached into her school!

Qiao Mu lowered her voice. " Uncle, since he's a rumored boyfriend, then it's all nonsense. They don't know, but don't you know? Other than you, I don't like anyone else!"

These half-joking words sounded very pleasant to Li Yan's ears.

The man was obviously satisfied with her words and said leisurely,"Be good. I'll reward you when I come back."