How Should I Teach You a lesson?

After Qiao Mu finished showering, the servants had already brought the dishes into the bedroom. She ate her dinner in high spirits, and she felt much more energetic.

Thinking about everything that happened tonight, she still felt a little scared. After all, the other party was the mayor's son, not someone ordinary people could offend!

Qiao Mu was a little worried. She looked at Li Yan and could not help but ask, ""Uncle, what are you going to do if you offend the mayor?"

Li Yan leaned lazily on the sofa with his legs crossed. He cast a sidelong glance at the worried little fellow and said nonchalantly, ""You still have the energy to think about this. It seems that you're fine. You should worry about yourself now. Tell me honestly, why are you in Lin Xian's private villa?"

Qiao Mu pouted and snorted coldly. " She's still not your biological niece! "

Li Yan's eyes darkened. As expected!