Act Like A Hero Saving The Beauty

The ringtone of the phone broke the ambiguous atmosphere in the room.

Li Yan was indifferent. He stared at Qiao Mu calmly as if he was sizing up the fish on the chopping board and figuring out how to eat it.

"Uncle, it's a call for you," Qiao Mu reminded him softly.

The man narrowed his eyes. " Niece, you don't seem very willing to accept the reward I gave you. But I remember that last night, you clearly…Very fanatical!"


This bastard!

Which eye of his saw that she was crazy?!

The corners of the man's lips curled up. " Or is it that my niece only likes harsh punishments and is not interested in rewards? "

"Li Yan!" Qiao Mu couldn't take it anymore, and she glared at the man who was laughing arrogantly with a red face.

When this face was serious, it was very scary, but when it was not serious, it was simply asking for a slap!