You Have to Be Accountable to Me!

Looking at the little thing's infatuated face, Li Yan nodded and replied, " Mm. "

Then, he saw the little girl's eyes shining brightly. She placed her small school bag on the table and shouted,"Big brother, I drew a very beautiful painting today. Come and take a look!"

Little Qiao Mu was lying on the table with a painting in her hand. She kept waving at Li Yan, but Li Yan had no choice but to go over.

Just as he raised his head to look at her and was about to ask her what she was drawing, the little face in front of him immediately moved closer.

Then, their first kiss was gone.

Li Yan did not even have the time to savor the soft touch when he saw the little girl jump far away. She stared at him shyly, but her eyes were filled with pride after she had succeeded.

" Big brother, you stole a kiss from me. You have to take responsibility! " The little girl left behind this sentence and covered her face as she ran away.

Li Yan was speechless.