Thoughts of Leaving

Then, that night, they naturally had sex.

He said that his family did not allow him to date in school, so he hid his relationship as a stranger during the day and went back to being a couple at night.

However, in this relationship, other than calling and texting him on the phone, she could only spend the night in this dark hotel room.

Every time he woke up in the morning, the person beside him would disappear. He was very busy. Sometimes, he would just rush over and leave after he was done.

She had a crush on Han Su for a long time and finally got him. She was especially afraid of losing him, so she could only accept everything about him.

However, Qiao Mu took advantage of this hidden relationship, which made her very angry.

Yao Shu felt extremely pleased when she thought about how Qiao Mu had already been defiled by that Lin Xian. That dirty woman could forget about snatching her man!
