Young Master Is Injured

Lei Yi glanced at Qiao Mu indifferently. " I'm not too sure about Young Master's matters. Young Master was supposed to return today, but something suddenly happened yesterday. "

Lei Yi paused for a moment, as if he was considering whether to continue. In the end, he still said, ""Young Master is injured."

"Are you injured?" Qiao Mu's eyes widened in shock, and her tone suddenly became urgent. " What's going on? Where are you hurt? Is it serious?"

" Miss Qiao, Young Master's condition won't be reported to a subordinate of mine. As for the details, you can ask him yourself when he comes back in the next few days. I can only say that Young Master's life is not in danger. " Lei Yi spoke very calmly as if he could not see Qiao Mu's anxious and flustered expression at all.

There was no danger to his life ...

It would have been fine if Lei Yi did not explain, but the scope of his words was too broad. Qiao Mu had no idea how serious his injuries were!