Ye Lin Caught Into A Good Thing

After not seeing her for a few days, he smelled the familiar scent on her body. He could not help but want to eat her immediately!

Qiao Mu's eyes widened. This man was truly a hooligan who could act regardless of the occasion or the time!

Qiao Mu was on tenterhooks, worried that someone would see her. Li Yan seemed to be dissatisfied with her distraction and deepened the kiss.

The man's magnetic breath lingered around the tip of her nose. Qiao Mu had no idea when she realized that she could no longer dislike this man's touch. Feeling his forceful demands, her body softened bit by bit.

Li Yan hooked his arm around her slender waist and tightened his grip on her, pressing her against him tightly. His deep voice rang out beside her ear."Little thing, your good performance is to do nothing and let me do whatever I want?"

Qiao Mu was speechless.

He also knew that he was doing something outrageous!