Your Father Is Sick

Qiao Mu was caught off guard. She widened her eyes and slapped the bed hard. " Li Yan, if you want to start, can you tell me in advance?! " Immediately after, the man's low and hoarse voice sounded in her ear. " You should be happy. Your man has no desire for you! " This beast! That night, Qiao Mu somehow ignited a certain man's fire and practically used all sorts of methods to demand from her.

This man was even crazier than usual. It was as if he wanted to swallow her whole. All kinds of postures exhausted her! Later on, after an unknown period of time, Qiao Mu's body was already extremely weak until she finally fell asleep. After intense exercise, Qiao Mu successfully overslept the next day. When he woke up, it was already late in the morning. She immediately got up and prepared to go to work, but she was stopped by Li Yan.