Ye Lin's Plan

After Qiao Mu rested for a day, she went back to work the next day.

When Ye Lin saw Qiao Mu, it was as if the previous incident had never happened and she continued to be busy with her own matters.

Ye Lin's arrogance did not allow her to lower her head to Qiao Mu. Even though she knew about Qiao Mu's relationship with Li Yan and even though she had lost face in front of Li Yan, she was still Qiao Mu's superior!

Li Yan did not make things difficult for her at work. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and handed the project of Chengbei Real Estate to her. This meant that Li Yan recognized her ability to work.

Qiao Mu was merely Li Yan's woman. Her career was more important to Li Yan, so she did not need to worry about Qiao Mu.

In the following days, the design department was busier, and Qiao Mu often had to work overtime. As long as Li Yan did not have any social events, he would wait for her in the company until she got off work and then go home together.