Making Qiao Mu a Scapegoat

Ye Lin's face was livid as she said, " We will get to the bottom of who betrayed the company. The CEO has already found out about this. If the CEO investigated personally, that person will be sued! "

Sun Ning sneered. " Manager Ye, who are you trying to scare? Don't forget, you're also a member of the design department. If something like this happens, you can't avoid suspicion either."

Ye Lin's face darkened. " Are you saying that I leaked the proposal to other companies? Sun Ning, did you take the wrong medicine? What good would it do me to do this? Isn't this shooting yourself in the foot?"

"That's hard to say. I heard that a few days ago, you went to the CEO's office and were chased out in a sorry state. Maybe Manager Ye didn't get a good deal from the CEO and wanted to find another place to stay?"

At the mention of this matter, Ye Lin's expression turned ugly.

Qiao Mu listened silently. She didn't know about this.