My Heart Was Swindled Away

Li Yan placed Qiao Mu on the bed and gently patted her face. He said in a low voice, "Qiao Mu, let's talk. "

Qiao Mu opened her eyes in a daze. " Talk about what? How did you lie to me? Big liar!"

Li Yan frowned when she called him a liar.

After drinking, the little thing became bolder. It said whatever it wanted to say. Usually, no matter how unhappy it was, it would only beat around the bush.

However, the more stubborn she was, the more it showed the grievance in her heart.

All these years, she had always thought that he had used her. That was why she refused to open her heart to him!

Li Yan's voice sank as he looked at the delirious little thing. He asked in a low voice, "Qiao Mu, what did I lie to you about? "

What did he lie about?

Qiao Mu blinked blankly. Suddenly, the corners of her mouth flattened, and she bit her lip aggrievedly. A layer of tears appeared in her large eyes.