I Don't Like Being Called Nephew

Qiao Mu entered a shop and saw a dazzling array of clothes. They were all ladylike outfits, completely different from the T-shirt and jeans she usually wore.

Li Yan took a few pieces of clothing and handed them to Qiao Mu. " Go and try them on. "

Qiao Mu obediently entered the fitting room and changed into a new set of clothes before walking out. She walked around Li Yan and smiled sweetly. " Uncle, do I look good? "

Li Yan looked at the little girl in a pink dress. She was as fair as a porcelain doll. This was what a nineteen-year-old girl should look like.

He nodded. " Next. "

Qiao Mu went into the fitting room again and changed into another set for the man to look over before letting her change into the next set.

She had to admit that Li Yan's taste was indeed very good. The clothes did not look very beautiful when hung on the rack, but when worn, it felt different.

After trying on three sets of clothes, Li Yan said to the salesperson,"All wrapped up."