From Now On, You Have Me (1)

"Uncle!" Qiao Mu gritted her teeth and stood at the side with her head lowered. After a while, she finally spoke in an extremely low voice. " The woman I met outside the restaurant is my mother. "

Qiao Mu's sudden and straightforward explanation of the other party's identity made Li Yan narrow his eyes.

Seeing Li Yan's calm reaction, Qiao Mu continued, ""Actually, there's no need to confess anything. I originally planned to stop contacting her in the future."

"Why?" Li Yan asked calmly.

" My mother is a gambler and has always treated me as a money tree. The five million I borrowed from you was for her. When I saw her just now, I shook off your hand because I didn't want her to think that I was with a rich man and ask me for money again. "

As she spoke, Qiao Mu raised her head and glanced at Li Yan. She raised her small hand and gently tugged at the corner of the man's shirt. She said in a soft, fawning voice, ""Uncle, don't ignore me."