Attacking the Yu Corporation

Li Yan carried Qiao Mu in his arms very gently, walked to the dining room, and placed her on a chair.

The servants had already placed the dishes on the table. As Qiao Mu smelled the fragrance, her stomach started protesting even more arrogantly.

Li Yan looked on helplessly as he eagerly buried his head in the food. From time to time, he would remind him to eat slowly.

After eating and drinking to her heart's content, Qiao Mu's spirit recovered bit by bit.

She suddenly thought of something and looked up at the man opposite her. " Uncle, thank you. "

"If you want to thank me, quickly recover!" Li Yan said calmly.

Qiao Mu nodded. " I will. "

" You're not allowed to go out for the next few days, " the man reminded. " You can't get exposed to the wind. Stay at home and rest well. Take your medicine on time. "