You Are A Member Of The Li Family

Qiao Mu felt that she had lost all her face and could no longer face anyone!

A certain man seemed to have been injected with chicken blood and did not treat her as a patient at all!

She finally realized that a man's dignity could not be hurt!

That night, Qiao Mu paid a painful price for saying the wrong thing!


The next day, when Qiao Mu went downstairs with her severely injured waist, she saw Yu Yiduo looking at her ambiguously.

Qiao Mu's small face flushed red. Although she wanted to pretend that nothing had happened, she could not do it!

Yu Yiduo smiled slyly and leaned in front of Qiao Mu, whispering, ""Little Mu Mu, you don't look too good. Did you sleep too late last night? Looks like my son's health is quite good!"

As she spoke, Yu Yiduo patted Qiao Mu's shoulder comfortingly.

“..”Qiao Mu silently fled into the dining room and buried her head in her meal.