He's Back (3)

After Ling Xi left, Qiao Mu sat alone in anxiety. Seeing the people coming and going, she got up and wanted to take a stroll in the side hall.

She walked around and saw Baby Guan in the corridor.

Baby Guan was knocking on a door and shouting,"Lu Jingzhi, are you inside? The banquet is about to start. Why are you hiding in the room?"

Immediately after, the door to the room opened. From Qiao Mu's angle, she couldn't see who opened the door, only to see Baby Guan's expression suddenly change.

"Who are you?" Baby Guan asked angrily. Why are you in Lu Jingzhi's room?"

Baby Guan took a step back. The person in the room walked out. It was a woman in a sexy dress. One of the straps of the dress slid down her shoulder, and her breasts were faintly discernible.

The woman's face was slightly red, and there was a hint of awkwardness on her face. When she saw Baby Guan, she hurriedly tidied her clothes and ran away.