You Will Regret It For The Rest Of Your Life (1)

When Qiao Ya returned home, her face was still pale and she had not recovered from the shock.

"Little Ya, are you sick?" Yu Tingyun asked. Why do you look so pale?"

"Mom, I'm in trouble. I just provoked uncle! He looks like he's going to kill someone!"

Yu Tingyun's face darkened. " Why did you provoke him? Let me ask you, in the cooperation with the Li Corporation, what tricks did you play in private? The goods you provided to the Li Corporation were not up to standard at all!"

Qiao Ya panicked. " I just want to save some money for the company. The Yu Corporation is having financial difficulties now. If we can save some money on the supply of goods, it will be of great help to us. I asked for your opinion, and you agreed."