Memory Loss?

Li Yan's thin lips moved. " What did you call me? "

"Big brother." Qiao Mu called out once again, and her mouth curved into a grin. Her eyes narrowed into crescents, looking clean and pure.

This little thing! All this while, he had asked her to change the way she addressed him countless times, but she stubbornly refused to call him Big Brother.

Later, he understood that it was because she had misunderstood that he had left her behind, so she felt that he was no longer worthy of this title.

And now, this little woman was willing to call him that!

Li Yan smiled and patted her head. " Good girl. "

Qiao Mu wrapped her arms around Li Yan's neck. " Big Brother, where are we? Why am I here?"

" You're sick. You're in the hospital. "

"Hospital?" Qiao Mu frowned. " I'm sick? Why am I in the hospital? Why can't I remember? Eh, my mind is empty, I can't remember anything."