I Know You Don't Love Me Anymore (3)

Qiao Mu laughed awkwardly. " Haha, Auntie, I'm just joking with you. I was playing Truth or Dare with my classmate, and I wanted to send an ambiguous message to someone, so I thought of Auntie. "

Uh ... What a stiff reason.

Why did she feel that the more she said, the worse it was?

"Is that so? Playing games so early in the morning, Mu Mu, your life is pretty good! I heard that Li Yan has been so busy recently that he doesn't have time to accompany you. I thought you would be unhappy, so I wanted to persuade him to spend more time with you. Since you have a rich life, I won't interfere in your matters."

Qiao Mu was speechless. Great aunt, please intervene! Teach that insensible son of yours to treat me better!

Although Qiao Mu was praying silently in her heart, she still had to pretend to be indifferent. " Auntie, Uncle is busy, so it's only right not to disturb him. I'll be obedient and sensible. "