Why Did You Throw Me Away?

Qiao Mu was so embarrassed that she couldn't even raise her head. Although it wasn't the first time she had stayed in a hotel with him, this time, she had come with a certain purpose!

Just as she was walking to her room, Qiao Mu suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She furrowed her brows as she felt that she had eaten too much food for dinner, causing her stomach to churn.

After entering the room, Qiao Mu immediately rushed into the bathroom. As expected, she had a stomachache.

After a while, Qiao Mu came out of the bathroom and looked at Li Yan pitifully. " Uncle, I have diarrhea. "

Li Yan raised his eyebrows. " Are you using this method to avoid what you should do tonight? "

"I really have a stomachache." Qiao Mu rubbed her stomach. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and she immediately rushed into the bathroom.

When Qiao Mu came out again, Li Yan realized that she was really having a stomachache.