Who plagiarized whom?

Key nodded. " Yes, although the techniques are similar, there are still many differences in the details. We can't tell who plagiarized who. "

Amy snorted. " Is there a need to look? Ning Tongtong is considered a slightly famous designer and has produced several batches of branded clothing. This Qiao Mu must have imitated Ning Tongtong!"

" Get both of them to sign up, " Key said calmly. " We'll only know their true level during the competition. No matter who plagiarizes, we'll know then. "

" But, we better not offend President Shu. "

Key's expression turned cold. " In this industry, no matter who it is, as long as they have the guts to plagiarize, I won't let them live! "


To Qiao Mu, this exhibition was extremely rewarding.

Just as Qiao Mu was about to leave, Li Yan called her. This man had called quite frequently today, and this made Qiao Mu feel rather pleased. It seemed that he would only be more worried about her if she created a small threat for him.