An Unexpected Discovery (2)

Amy looked at the girl in front of her. Her face was calm, and her clear eyes were sparkling. She had an extremely determined expression, and she looked very annoying.

This was the first time someone had said something like that in front of Key, comparing herself to Key. It was as if she would definitely reach Key's level in the future.

After Qiao Mu finished speaking, she turned around and left the room.

Amy looked at Key's interested expression and smiled. " Why? Are you interested in this kind of ambitious little girl? "

Key's lips curled up. " I just didn't expect someone to brag to me. "

" But it looks like she's really your loyal fan. She actually remembers what you said in the interview. "

Key rubbed his chin with his slender fingers, and his eyes were filled with admiration. " She's right. There are many tailors who can make clothes now, but there are very few designers who can design unique clothes. I'm looking forward to her next performance. "