The Cruel Truth

After Qiao Mu left, Shu Xinyu looked at Qiao Mu's back and asked the nurse beside her, " What was the girl who came to open the door doing at the orphanage? "

The nurse shook her head. " I'm not sure either. She's either here to adopt orphans or to look for relatives. Judging from her age, she should be here to do charity. It's rare for her to know how to show love at such a young age. There are still many kind-hearted people like you, Ms. Shu. "

Shu Xinyu retracted her gaze and smiled faintly. " I'm just doing my best to help. It's not a big deal. I feel very pitiful when I see these children without parents at such a young age. "

"The daily necessities that you have provided to these children over the years have helped us reduce a lot of our burden. Your love will be remembered by both the hospital and the children." The nurse said gratefully.