Taking advantage of her twice in a row

When Leo heard that Chen Ou was looking for Qiao Mu, he was also a little puzzled. Qiao Mu recalled Chen Ou's actions from before and asked uncertainly, ""Teacher Leo, what's Teacher Chen Ou like?"

"The work is not bad. People don't comment. What's wrong with that?" Leo looked at Qiao Mu.

Qiao Mu feigned ignorance and hung her head. " It's like this. My uncle doesn't allow me to be alone with the opposite sex. You saw that he was unhappy when he saw me with you yesterday. He's a very petty person. I'm worried that he'll be angry if I go to Teacher Chen Ou. "

Leo laughed. " Chen Ou won't be interested in you. You can go and find him without worry. He'll definitely be looking for you to discuss design matters. "

Seeing how confident Leo was, Qiao Mu assumed that Chen Ou already had a girlfriend, so he would not be interested in anyone else.

Since that was the case, she was relieved. Perhaps Chen Ou was just too professional and lost his composure.