Being Verbally Attacked

Chen Ou's assistant stepped forward. " Qiao Mu, to think that Teacher Chen took such good care of you and even removed his own work to fulfill your wish. Yet, you don't know what's good for you. You're really vicious! "

"That's right. We all know Teacher Chen's character. He's always done his duty and would never do what Qiao Mu said!“

" This Qiao Mu is so scheming at such a young age. Are all university students nowadays so unscrupulous to achieve their goals? "

"Isn't she suspected of plagiarizing other contestants 'works? I didn't believe it in the past and thought it was just a rumor. Now it seems that it's most likely!"

Leo frowned and interrupted the discussion. " Don't spout nonsense. Qiao Mu has a boyfriend, so she wouldn't do such a thing. "

" Teacher Leo, you're too naive. What's wrong with having a boyfriend? Girls nowadays are willing to do anything for fame and fortune! "

"Yeah, otherwise, it would be a waste of such good external conditions."