You Want to Murder Your Husband?

When Qiao Mu left the exhibition hall, she bumped into Chen Ou.

Chen Ou looked at her with disdain. " You still have the face to show your face here? Do you really not take other people's comments seriously? "

Qiao Mu put her hand into her pocket and secretly tapped on her phone. She looked at Chen Ou coldly. " Do you think that you're being arrogant because your scheme succeeded? You poured all the dirty water on me. I really didn't expect you to bite me back."

"Hmph, I got what I wanted? Didn't you hear Key say that he would investigate this matter after the incident? I say, Qiao Mu, I threw out such a huge temptation for you, but you refused to agree to my conditions. Did you hook up with Key long ago? Otherwise, why would he still protect you when it's already set in stone?"