He Was The Man Behind Her

The night in A City was very charming. Many specialty restaurants were open until midnight, so it was still very lively at 10 pm.

Li Yan brought Qiao Mu to the most famous specialty restaurant and ate a table full of dishes. Because they had ordered too many dishes, there was a huge pile left. Qiao Mu was very reluctant to part with it. If she was in Beijing, she would definitely pack it up and bring it home. However, since she was staying in a hotel, she could not heat it up.

Looking at how the little woman knew how to live at home, Li Yan said helplessly,"If you like it, I'll open a similar restaurant when I go back. You can eat it all the time."

Qiao Mu nodded happily. " Uncle, when you're good to me, you're really good. "

Li Yan was speechless.

What he meant was that when he treated her badly, he really did not treat her well.

City A was a coastal city.

After the meal, the two of them went to the seaside at Qiao Mu's strong request.