Boyfriend Appears (4)

The moment the bald man turned around and saw Li Yan, his eyeballs almost fell out. He was not tall to begin with, and his bent back and humble attitude made him look extremely insignificant in front of Li Yan.

This action was truly shocking.

Xu Xiyan couldn't stand it and tugged at her bald head. " What are you doing? "

The bald man shook Xu Xiyan off. " Stop fooling around! Can't you see that I'm greeting you? " he said angrily.

Li Yan looked at the bald man who was bowing to greet him. He curled his lips coldly and looked at Su Chen. " This is? "

Su Chen had been staring at Chi Xia and Gu Cheng since he entered the room.

The coldness in his eyes could not be concealed. When he heard Li Yan's question, he glanced at the bald man and replied indifferently, ""I don't know him."