Can't Go Back

Chi Xia's face darkened instantly. She took a few steps back to distance herself from Gu Cheng. " Why are you still here? "

"Xiaxia, I saw Su Chen take you away and was worried. Did you tell him? You guys broke up, didn't you?" Gu Cheng asked with concern.

Chi Xia's face turned cold. " Gu Cheng, please don't think too highly of yourself. No matter what happens to Su Chen and I, it has nothing to do with you. The two of us are already in the past. Please get this straight! "

" Xiaxia, that's not true. Su Chen must have forced me. You still love me. Mirou and I have canceled our engagement. Can you come back to me? " Gu Cheng's eyes were filled with pleading.

Chi Xia looked at the once gentle young man who was now trying to reconcile with her without caring about his image. However, her heart no longer had any feelings for him.

If it was before, she might have wavered. But now, her heart was filled with the man who was cold to her.