Carry the Cold War to the End (4)

Qiao Mu was speechless.

His unrepentant and righteous attitude simply made Qiao Mu stomp her feet in anger.

Alright! He was amazing!

Qiao Mu angrily got off the bed and accidentally pulled away the blanket covering Li Yan's body, instantly exposing his body.

She had wanted to make him suffer from the cold and deliberately find trouble to torture him, but when she saw his sexy abs and perfect body contours, her face instantly turned red.

Damn it! What was she embarrassed about! Was this the time to be shy?

She had seen and touched this body countless times, but why was it still so useless?

She really had no resistance to this man's sexiness.

Just thinking about it made him feel very unbalanced!

Why was he so stubborn? That was why he was so unreasonable now!

In order not to lose her composure, Qiao Mu's lustful gaze instantly turned into disdain and disdain. She snorted at Li Yan's body and turned to walk into the bathroom.